We are Parents, Educators, Community Leaders, Allies, and Community Organizations fighting for educational justice for all Southeast Seattle students.

SPS Mother's Day Fundraiser is Coming!
This Mother's Day, we are continuing the bouquet fundraiser to raise money for Seattle Public Schools. Sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned!
Newsletter Signup

Read our new academic blog!
SESEC’s research fellow, UW PHD candiate, and Chicago Public School teacher, Geo Yang, presents the latest theories in educational academia as a way to provoke questioning and reflection in justice and equity.
Read here

February 29
SEED Cohort 5: Applications Open
The application for SEED Cohort 5 is open now! Applications Open Until Filled. The first session is Feb 29! Dates, Info & Apply: https://bit.ly/SESEC-SEED-2024
Dates, Info & Application

Coalition Meeting
February 15
February Coalition Meeting
The next coalition meeting is February 15, 2024. Topic: House Our Neighbor: Intersection between Social Housing & Education
Coalition Meeting Registration

The Coalition
A just and equitable education system will only be achieved through a collective voice.
Learn More
Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.
— Dolores Huerta